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Saint-Petersburg State University
invites you to participate in
XIX International Student Law Conference
“Russian law: between East and West”
April 19-20, 2019
· You are welcome to present your research during the one of the following sessions:
In English/Russian:
№1. Foreign legal terms: problems use and interpretation
№2. Russian law as an object of foreign scholars’ interest
№3. Legal transplants on the East and on the West
№4. Russia’s legal cooperation with the Northeast Asian countries
№5. Identity of the Russian legal system: post-socialist, civil law or mixed? Influence of common law in Russia
№6. Russia in international organizations
№7. The life of East and West corporations in the modern reality
№8. Other issues
*This is only a sample list of sections. Participants can choose any interesting issue within the main topic.
· Workshops of distinguished Russian and foreign lawyers
· Cultural program
The conference has always been and remains free of charge, but
St. Petersburg University does not cover travel or accommodation costs. The working languages are Russian and English. Simultaneous interpretation will be provided during the plenary sessions.
Requirements for the abstracts:
• Respecting the general topic of the conference
• Use of relevant sources
• Clear expression of a legal problem and of its solution, relying on the analysis made
• No more than 10 000 characters with spaces
For participation:
1. Choose a session and prepare an abstract of your presentation
2. Fill in the application form and send it (with your abstract attached) before January 10, 2019 (Word-document)
3. Wait until the participation request is confirmed (takes up to 7 days)
4. Receive the approval of your abstract before February 10, 2019
5. Get ready for your presentation and come to Saint-Petersburg for iSLaCo’2019 (distance participation is not possible)
E-mail: islaco@spbu.ru
VK: vk.com/islaco
Website: islaco.spbu.ru
Instagram: islaco_spbu